3-Month Program to a Better You


Symptoms Assessment, labs, additional protocols (if needed)

  • We will assess the health of your organ systems (gut, skin, hormones, blood, thyroid, adrenals, liver and kidney), and prioritize organ systems that need the most care. We will also assess current and past medical history, social history, and any health goals you may have. ​
  • We will collect labs to assess liver function, kidney function, cholesterol levels, blood sugar, immune function, autoimmune disease, female and male hormones, stress hormones, thyroid, nutritional labs, stool tests, and more​...
  • Additional ADVANCED labs may be recommended, as needed, to test for food intolerances, environmental toxins, heavy metals, mold, parasites, yeast/fungus, bacterial overgrowth, neurotransmitters, genetics, and more​...


Daily Routine with Diet and Nutrition, Exercise, Mood & Emotional States, Calm the Nervous System, Unload Toxins and Manage Stressors

    • We create a nutritional plan for you based on gut health, food intolerances, kidney+ liver health​, hormones, thyroid, adrenals that you can incoportate on a daily basis
    • We help you optimize your sleep so you build on your energy reserves to carry you through your day​
    • We create a daily regimen plan that decreases stress and increases detox daily
    • We help create an exercise regimen that optimizes detox, boost energy, and keep your immune robust.
    • We can create a stress management plan to uplift your mood and mental clarity.


Final step entails cleansing, balancing, and maintaining optimal health that is sustainable for the future! 

  • Cleanse organ systems: gut, skin, liver, kidneys for their optimal functioning! 
  • Balance thyroid, adrenal, insulin, sex hormones
  • Advanced protocols are used when functional labs uncover advanced toxic burdens (heavy metals, mold, parasites), oxidative stress, neurotransmitter imbalances, genetics, etc


1. What services do you offer and what conditions do you specialize in treating?

We offer telemedicine services in natural and functional medicine, focusing on gut issues (heartburn, constipation, gastritis, Irritable bowel syndrome, Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis), diverticulitis, SIBO, food intoelrances/ allergies, weight and metabolic issues (diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol), fatty liver, thyroid conditions (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism), hormone imbalances (PCOS, PMS, PMDD, menopause, premenopause), inflammatory conditions (arthritis, gout, autoimmune conditions), stress management, and mental and behavioral health counseling.  Our evidence-based treatment plans include botanicals, supplements, nutrition, and exercise, alongside conventional therapies. We also offer specialty labs to tailor treatment to your unique needs.


2. Do I need labs?

Labs are highly recommended to gain valuable insights into your health. Ideally, these tests will be ordered at the beginning of the program and then again at the end for meaningful comparisons. 


List of basic labs recommended:

  • CBC (includes Differential and Platelets)
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
  • Hemoglobin A1c (HgbA1C)
  • hs-CRP
  • Iron and Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)
  • Lipid Panel with Ratios
  • TSH, Free T3, Total T4, T3 reuptake
  • Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy, Total, Immunoassay

3. How much do the labs cost and what do they include? 

Order labs from your primary care provider. If unable to do so, lab blood tests are prescribed through Ulta Labs. You do not need a doctor's prescription to purchase the labs. If you would like to purchase labs on your own, then follow the instructions below:

1. Visit UltaLabs and create an account with them.

2. Search for labs titled "Employer Wellness Screening Panel #17 and "Thyroid Panel." The cost for these labs should be $114 and $37, respectively. 

3. Pay for the labs and receive an automated confirmation email receipt. 

4. Print your lab requisition order form after checkout. 

For more info on this, please click HERE.


4. What is your experience and qualifications in the field of naturopathic or functional medicine?

Dr. Regmi has 5 years of experience in naturopathic medicine, having earned her degree from National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon. She integrates both Western: scienfiic- evidence-based medicine with Eastern medicine: time-tested wisdom practiced medicine. 

5. How do you conduct virtual consultations and what platform do you use?

We prioritize patient privacy and use a secure HIPAA-compliant platform for virtual consultations on Carepatreon. Once scheduled, you will receive an invitation email to your personal patient portal for the consultation, accessible on any electronic device. All consutlations are provided on video-only! 

6. What is the duration of the consultation and how often will we need to schedule follow-up appointments?

Initial appointment is 60 minutes long and follow-ups are typically scheduled for 40 minutes. Visits also include a biweekly check-in (10 mins), group consultations (when available) and an invitation to a community forum to discuss health and meet like-minded individuals on the same journey as you! 

7. Will you be able to prescribe medications or supplements if needed?

Yes, we prescribe supplements for our patients through an electronic dispensary called Fullscript. The doctor will send the prescription to you via email. Prescription medications/ pharmaceuticals are not prescribed at this time, however, if you are on any medication or need medications, this will be discussed during the consultation. 

8. How will you communicate with me outside of our scheduled appointments?

For patients, submit your questions via the patient portal. For non-patients, use the provided contact form to get in touch.

9. Will you be able to work with my primary care doctor or specialist to coordinate my care?

We can work with your primary care or specialist to coordinate your care. Naturopathic care complements conventional treatment. It’s recommended to discuss your treatment plan with your healthcare providers for a comprehensive approach to your health.

10. Do you accept insurance or do you offer any financing options?

Insurance is not accepted, but we provide superbills for California residents to submit to their insurance. We offer various payment options, including HSA/FSA, credit, and debit cards. Thank you for understanding as we prioritize your care.

11. What is your cancellation policy for virtual appointments?

Please give us 24-hour notice for appointment cancellations via the patient portal to avoid a $50 cancellation fee. 

12. What happens after completion of the program? 

By the end of the program, you will experience a transformation in your health with measurable objective and subjective outcomes. If you wish to continue with follow-up appointments after the program, Dr. Regmi can discuss options with you.

13. Does the package cost include supplements and lab costs? How much does your 3-month  Holistic Health Program cost?

Package does not include supplements and lab costs as they are personalized and vary for each individual.

The original cost of the program is $1600 with heavy discounts for patients at BHC (limited time offer). For BHC patients, the cost of the program is $600 total (for a limited time). You can either pay via FSA, HSA, credit or debit cards, in full or month-to-month. 
14. How much will I spend on physician-grade supplements?

Supplement costs vary based on individual treatment protocols. On average, the monthly supplement cost is $150.